Genocide 1915

Armenian Genocide Information
The Armenian Genocide of 1915 carried out by the Ottoman Empire is a historical fact. Despite Turkish denials, it is unanimously verified by the International Association of Genocide Scholars and accepted by nations that uphold moral responsibility above political gain.

Today in Genocide History

Bands of chetes begin looting, violating women and children, and large-scale murdering in Erzerum Province
Leaders of the Armenian nationalist Dashnak party organization in Erzerum are arrested.

Complete Armenian Genocide history and timeline

Armenian Genocide News

Henry Morgenthau, Sr. U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire
Starving Armenian boy during deportation into desert
Armenian Genocide memorial flame
Ottom Empire history
Old sins cast long shadows

The Ottoman Propoganda Still Alive

A feature film titled "The Promise," starring Christian Bale was released in April of 2017. But even before the release of the film, Turkish message boards lit up with apparently an organized attempt to disparage the film with bad ratings and reviews. This was covered by the Washington Post among other news outlets.

Before the movie was released, there were thousands of 1-star ratings on IMDB with reviews that were clearly politically and ideologically driven most of which had very little to do with the movie. Most of these particular reviews were from users who only had one review...ever, many of whom were registered on IMDB just recently. The facts converge to demonstrate the desperate attempt of the Turkish propaganda machine in yet another attempt to silence or malign the truth.

Here's what you can do to fight the propaganda - go watch the film and leave the rating and review the movie actually deserves.

Genocide References

Shop Armenian Apparel for Artsakh

Armenian apparel Shop Armenian apparel. Proceeds of Artsakh apparel donated to Armenia Fund to help the people of Artsakh.

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Armenian Genocide Petition

Join the 85,162 people and sign this petition to support the recognition of the Armenian Genocide!

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Armenian Genocide Quotes

"The association of Mount Ararat and Noah, the staunch Christians who were massacred periodically by the Mohammedan Turks, and the Sunday School collections over fifty years for alleviating their miseries—all cumulate to impress the name Armenia on the front of the American mind."
-- Herbert Hoover
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